My History

Growing up in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains I've always felt tied to a life outdoors and one of great adventure.  If not for people telling me otherwise, I'd argue that my life is completely normal.  I will concede, however, that I hit the jackpot as far as family.  My father is an absolute gem, filled with tall tales and secret recipes.  My mother is a saint, and my sisters used to tease me to no end.  My life was always filled with family parties, and a game-night with cousins was always right around the corner.  Fortunately, they continue to support me 100% in my decision to pursue happiness no matter where it takes me, as long as I look after myself on that journey.

Their resolve was tested almost 4 years ago when I took off on a "little" adventure.  After a fruitless attempt at playing golf on the PGA Tour, I needed a big change and Australia was the answer.  However, only six weeks into the trip, I broke my elbow twice in less than forty eight hours, required three reconstructive surgeries, and after the ten month "walk-about" that spiraled from those events - my life had changed.

Fast forward to September 9, 2015. I'm sitting at a bar overlooking Caribbean waters in the U.S. Virgin Islands reminiscing that ten months prior, I fell upon the little town of Coral Bay.  With a small year-round population that's always smiling, it was a perfect fit for someone with one backpack and a trusty hammock - intent on learning how to sail. As I was leaving a $20 for my tab, a crusty sailor who went by the nicknames, "Crabmon" or "Spoons" came boisterously through the gate shouting about a "once in a lifetime!" sailboat deal.  People have called it the best deal to come out of Coral Bay in over a decade, and as I stood there holding the bill of sale for my first sailboat I knew - my life had changed, again.

Now I'm off on another "little" adventure. With big goals and loose plans, there will be plenty to write about. So send the vibes, bring the love, and wish me luck.

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